UPDATE: Hello everyone and thanks for your interest in Illinifest and Illini Film Fest 2020. With the restructuring of the semester, and the movement of the Festival online, maintaining contact has been difficult. Please don’t fret! And definitely don’t lose faith in student filmmaking. We are still committed to bringing you the very finest and most creative examples of UIUC media production. Keep checking for Social Media updates and, if you cannot find an answer to your questions, send your questions or concerns directly to my NetID email: knipp@illinois.edu.
As the festival comes together, we will be offering information on where you will be able to stream the UIUC Illini Film Fest Streaming Event!
Illinifest Student Film Festival is dedicated to staying in touch with you and helping you in anyway possible. Whether you’re looking for answers, would like film submission confirmation, or just want to let us know how we are doing, you’ll find many ways to contact us right here, through email, or through any one of our social media accounts. We’ll work to help you resolve any issues efficiently, getting you back to more important things, like working on your next short film!
Contact us at…
Email: illinifest@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IllinifestFilm/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IllinifestFilm
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/illinifest/